How Dehydration Affects Your Brain's Functioning?
Are you also among one of those people who find it difficult to remember things or focus on something properly? If your answer is yes, then the reason behind it might be dehydration.
As we all are aware of the fact that our body comprises 70-80% of water but still we tend to ignore its importance which gives birth to a lot of health related problems. There are a lot of people who are prone to chronic dehydration which has a severe effect on their health as well as their brain’s functioning. With stainless steel water tanks available in the market, getting access to clean, pure and hygienic water is no longer a problem. Purever is one such brand that is working towards giving you hygienic, durable and long-lasting water storage solutions and keeping all those health problems at bay the root cause of which is impure and contaminated water.
How Dehydration Affects Your Brain’s functioning?
When your body is dehydrated, the sensory receptors that are present in hypothalamus release a hormone called antidiuretic. When this hormone tends to reach your kidneys, it triggers aquaporin which is referred to as a channel that helps the blood to retain water. In case of dehydration, the tissues of your brain tend to shrink and it needs to work a bit more hard to attain a particular task. In case of extreme dehydration, your brain activates a mechanism which helps in maintaining the functioning of your brain even if you are dehydrated.
How Hydration Helps in Enhancing the Functioning of your Brain?
1. Helps in Keeping You in Good Mood
If you are hydrated, you will be able to easily overcome depression, lack of energy as well as anxiety. Dehydration can affect your whole mood and well-being. Drinking enough clean, pure and hygienic water helps in keeping you calm and maintaining your levels of energy.
2. Helps in Improving your Cognition
Being hydrated helps in enhancing and improving your cognition. Drinking enough water helps your brain to function properly and optimally. Drinking pure and uncontaminated water helps in keeping all the health problems at bay and helps your nervous system to communicate with your body in an effective manner. Hydration helps in enhancing your memory and improving your attention and focus.
How to check if you are dehydrated?
Some of the symptoms of being dehydrated include your body finding it difficult to maintain the normal temperature and eradicate waste. Dehydration can cause dry skin, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, low blood sugar, etc. You need to check on your water intake and must drink water even if you are not feeling thirsty. But drinking water is not merely enough; you need to ensure that you drink pure, clean and uncontaminated water. For water storage, make sure that you use stainless steel water tanks instead of plastic and concrete ones as the plastic and concrete water tanks are not safe for storing water and affect its quality to a great extent.
With the availability of Purever’s high-end series of stainless steel water tanks, you can easily get hygienic and pure water. You can also go for custom water tanks according to your specific needs and requirements. To choose the best and suitable stainless steel water tank, check out the entire range on our website:

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