Diseases That Can Be Prevented With the Help of Clean & Pure Water
You need to be extra cautious when it comes to drinking and using water for different activities as there are many lives that are getting affected by drinking contaminated water. There are numerous water-borne diseases that are caused by impure and contaminated water. Such water can directly impact your health in several ways. Before the final consumption of water, you need to be sure that it is absolutely safe for your health.
Most of the water borne diseases can be prevented by switching to stainless steel water tanks from plastic and concrete ones. Purever is a manufacturer of stainless steel water tanks that is known for manufacturing high-end series of SS water tanks for giving you the most durable, reliable, hygienic and sustainable water storage solution.
Following are some common waterborne diseases that are caused due to the utilization and consumption of impure, unhygienic and contaminated water:
1. Diarrhea
This is one of the most common diseases caused due to the consumption of impure and unclean water. If your water is affected by viruses and bacteria, you can catch diarrhea upon drinking such water.
2. Cholera
The symptoms of cholera include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, etc. This is a small-intestinal disease that is caused due to the presence of a bacteria named Vibrio Cholerae. If you consume fruits and vegetables that are irrigated using contaminated water, then also you can catch this disease.
3. Hepatitis A
This disease can be caused by consuming contaminated water or food or by getting in contact with an infected person. This disease has a direct impact on the liver. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, fever, fatigue, jaundice,etc. It is suggested to drink safe and clean water that is not affected by any kind of contaminants.
Some Ways to Prevent Water Borne Diseases:
If you have an ignorant attitude towards your health then you might have to face some serious consequences later on. Investing in a trusted water storage solution can help to a great extent. SS water tanks play a major role when it comes to maintaining the hygiene of water. The water stored inside stainless steel water tanks remain unaffected by all the outside forces like harsh weather conditions, bacteria, algae, changes in temperature, etc.
Following are some additional tips to maintain hygiene and to prevent catching up waterborne diseases;
1. It is suggested to frequently wash your hands.
2. If you are traveling somewhere, make sure that you consume safe and pure water.
3. Make sure that the plumbing pipes in your home and your water storage tanks are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.
4. Don’t forget to include fresh juices in your diet in order to fetch all the required nutrients.
Purever presents different series of high-quality stainless steel water tanks to help you keep the above-mentioned waterborne diseases at bay.
To install SS water tanks at your home or workplace, visit our website: https://purever.in/

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